Poha Chura, also known as flattened rice or beaten rice, is a popular and versatile ingredient in Indian cuisine. Poha Chura making involves a specialized process of parboiling, flattening, and drying rice grains to produce thin, flattened flakes. The first step typically involves soaking the rice grains in water, followed by parboiling, a partial boiling process that helps in preserving the nutritional content of the rice. After parboiling, the rice is dried before being passed through rollers to flatten the grains into thin flakes. The resulting Poha Chura is lightweight, easy to cook, and serves as the base for various dishes like poha (a popular breakfast dish), chivda (a snack), and other culinary preparations.
Poha Chura making is a traditional method that has been modernized with the use of specialized machinery like soaking tanks, steam cookers, and flattening machines to enhance efficiency and production scale. The process ensures uniformity in the size and texture of the flattened rice flakes, contributing to the quality of the end product. Poha Chura is not only a staple in Indian households but also serves as a significant ingredient in the snack and breakfast food industry, making it a crucial part of the overall food processing landscape.